
Who Inspires Me? What a great prompt for today. In fact, it is such a great prompt that I cannot possibly choose just one person who inspires me. Therefore, I’m going totally unload on you and allow you to meander through my list and find some inspiration of your own. Here goes.


For daily devotion inspiration Dr. James Denison is a sure bet. He writes a week day piece called the Cultural Commentary at the Denison Forum on Truth and Culture. Dr. Denison takes today’s news and makes pertinent, Scriptural applications. I have subscribed to his writing for years.


My friend, Arabah Joy, is a missionary, mom, and girl in love with Jesus. She writes from the heart and always makes me think. She encourages bloggers to be the best they can be, and offers lots of great resources.


Lori Harris and her husband are church planters who are planting a life and a church in the ‘hood. Literally, she and her family moved into a neighborhood that most white folks, and many of other colors, would not even visit. Yet, they saw the need of the people there for Jesus. Lori has an incredible heart for the poor and under-served. She not only inspires me, she flat out challenges me every time I visit her blog. Here is her latest post.


Want to get your worship on and hear solid, challenging messages straight from Scripture. Spend a little time with Dr. David Cooper and Mount Paran Church in Atlanta. Can’t make it to Atlanta? No problem. Click here.


Jennifer Lee is a beautiful soul who writes about life and Jesus. She offers stories of grace in a world that needs hope.


I am loving Colton Dixon’s music. He is a new, young artist who is rocking the Christian music scene. His latest offering is a song called “Through All of It”. I told Greg it is the song I want sung at my funeral. Go here, scroll down and watch the video for “Through All of It”. Oh, get your tissues first.


My physical therapist, Milissa, is my new hero. She has encouraged me and pushed me to do the hard work of choosing healing and health from a back injury. This was my first experience with physical therapy and I can honestly say that I am a huge fan of it.


Those are just a few of the people who inspire me. Now, I would love to hear who inspires you. If you are blogger, link up your post about who inspires you below. If you are not a blogger, leave me a comment telling me who inspires you.





Welcome to The Loft!

We are a topic driven link-up, which means that we link posts that pertain to the topic of the week. Posts that are not on topic will be deleted. We will offer a month’s worth of topics each week so you can plan and prepare for a post that helps you enter into the conversation. Here are the topics for the next month:

March 16 ~ Who Inspires You?

March 23 ~ Easter

March 30 ~ Pot Luck ~ Link up any post, on any topic today.

April 6 ~ Healthy Living

Just a reminder that the link-up goes live on Wednesday morning at 5am and will stay live until the following Monday at 5pm. If you link up at The Loft, please do not link-and-run. We want to create conversation and community, therefore, we ask that if you linkup one post, please visit two others. There are some beautiful people who link-up each week, and visiting their posts is the best way to get to know them.


Now, it it time to get to today’s link-up. Our prompt today is WHO INSPIRES YOU?

You will find the linky at the bottom of my post. Enjoy the fellowship at The Loft.

The Loft




The Loft

Now it is time to linkup!

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