

Welcome to Heart Notes! Today I kick off my 2014 Monday series. If you missed my post where I explained the series, you can click here to read it. The short version is that each Monday I will offer a new verse from the Scriptures for you to meditate on and memorize. I will share my thoughts about the verse, and why I believe it is a verse that is important in developing a more intimate walk with Jesus. In addition, on the first Monday of each month, I will offer a FREE (who doesn’t love something free?) printable that includes all of that month’s verses on it for your downloading and printing pleasure.

My friends, you will NEVER spend too much time in the Word. Every moment spent in God’s Word is drawing you closer to Jesus and molding you to look more like Him.


Click the link below that says ‘January 2014’ to download and print the FREE January printable.

January 2014


Today we begin with a verse that is familiar to most people. That is why I chose it. I encourage you to consider John 3: 16 (KJV) with a heart that is teachable.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


“For God so loved the world….”

As I ponder this foundational verse, I cannot move past the first six words without lingering for a moment. Those six words are really the height of absurdity, if you think about it.

In early December, I made a five-flavor pound cake. I have made this particular cake for many years; decades even. In the past several years, I have had one colossal FAIL after another with this particular cake. I have tried every tip I know to get them to rise and stay standing, but alas, they end up with heavy, or sad, streaks running through them. The early December cake was especially gruesome. Three quarters of the cake was like rubber. I mean, if I had dropped it on the floor, it might have bounced. Grrrrr! I was so frustrated that I dumped the cake in the trashcan, and told my husband that I was DONE trying to make that cake. D-O-N-E!

My creation had failed me once again, and my patience had run out.


“For God so loved the world…..”

God’s human creation was once beautiful, perfect, and lived in relationship with Him. Then came the colossal FAIL that ushered in the fall. Heavy streaks of sin marred God’s creation. God could have easily said, “DONE”, and thrown his prized creation in the garbage. He could have started over with a different, and more obedient pair of humans, instead of the ones that failed him. His patience could have run out; it should have run out.

For God so loved the world (his wayward creation)…..that He gave His only Son. That’s Jesus.

That whosoever (anyone, everyone, you, me) believes in Jesus and makes Him their Lord and Best Friend, will have eternal life. When they take their last breath on earth, they will take their first breath in heaven with God because of Jesus’ death on the cross.

It’s ridiculous, really. But, it’s grace, and it’s from God.

Do you comprehend it? Have you taken advantage of His offer? Have you asked Jesus to be your best friend, your Lord, and the payment for your sin? He’s waiting for your call.

Join me this week as we meditate on, and memorize, John 3:16.

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