
JUNE 1st. Can you believe it? Summer.

Welcome to Getting To Know You! On Fridays we are taking an opportunity to get to know each other through fun ‘icebreaker’ type posts. Each Friday I pose a question that invites you to share something about yourself with the rest of us. We have learned so much about each other and it has been fun!

Today’s Getting to Know You question is all about summer.

When you were a kid, what was the highlight of your summer? What did you most look forward to about summer…other than being out of school?

I think the thing that was the highlight of my summers as a kid was being at the local swimming pool with all my friends for most of the summer. That big concrete pool with the low and high diving boards and very cute lifeguards was the center of activity for many in our community. My sister and I were there for several hours most days. Once I turned 15, I worked in the summers at the local pharmacy and so my pool time was decreased. However, on my days off, you could surely find me baking in the sun (we had never heard of sunscreen. ugh!) right there at the pool.

The other highlight of my summers was my birthday which is in June. My mom always threw a party for me and made, what was then, my favorite cake…German Chocolate.

Ok, now it is your turn. Share about your summers as a kid.

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