
{27} – a table full of young men and women – On Sunday, Greg and I shared dinner around our table with our friend, Bree, a student at Young Harris College, and four of her friends. It is a huge blessing to have the opportunity to speak into their lives. I am thrilled that Bree would be comfortable bringing her friends to dinner with us. We tried really hard to behave and not pick our noses or make weird sounds!!!!!!!!!!!!  :0)


Daddy and me
{28} – memories of my Daddy
– As I was working in the kitchen preparing Sunday evening dinner, Greg was watching the Daytona 500 race. My Daddy was a major NASCAR fan. As far back as I can remember, Sunday afternoons found my Daddy by the radio (in the early years) or in front of the television (in the later years) listening or watching the Sunday race. I still prefer to listen to the race rather than watch it.



{29} – red rain boots

{30} – studying Revelation – In mid-March I will begin leading a Bible study/discussion group in a study that I am calling, Vital Signs: Lessons from the Seven Churches of The Revelation. Come join us!! I love studying. Yes, I know that makes me a nerd, but I am what I am.

{31} – caramels – I’m a soft candy kinda girl and I love caramels.

{32} – Christian employers – I am blessed to work two days a week in a pharmacy (Tallent Drug Company, Inc) owned by Christians. Yay!!

{33} –  food on my table – at every meal…….in abundant supply. Thank you, Jesus!

{34} – water – clean, fresh water. I do not take that for granted.



{35} – my mother – Mother has sown deeply into the lives of not only my sister and me, but also my nephews. Her worth to our family cannot be over-estimated. I love you, Mom.

{36} – morning coffee

{37} – life of William Carey – In my Tuesday morning Bible study group we are doing Beth Moore’s study entitled “Believing God”. In week 8, Beth offers portions of the biographies of several of the greats of our faith. One is William Carey, a man who persevered in his calling in spite of horrific circumstances. Carey was called to India in the mid 1700s. He lost his young son and his wife, yet still he persevered. He realized that preaching was not his gifting, but rather linguistics. Carey’s work translated the Bible into almost 30 languages native to India. In addition, he worked tirelessly in the area of human rights and ultimately was successful in causing an Edict to be written into the Indian government banning infanticide. Most people would have given up their calling when it began to cost them personally. I probably would have, but not Carey. What a shining example of perseverance and faithfulness!!


{38} – threecustom.com – I have worn the same color lipstick for many years. A couple of years ago I learned that the company was discontinuing MY color. HORRORS!!!!!! I quickly snatched up every tube I could find within a hundred mile radius. I am now on my LAST tube. In this month’s issue of Southern Living, I found a blessing! There is a company called Three Custom Color Specialists that does cosmetic matching of discontinued colors. They also do custom blending to produce a color just for you. I plan to take advantage of their work and see if they can match my now discontinued lipstick. I’ll let you know how that turns out!!

MEDITATION MOMENT: What blessings can you count with me today? I’d love to hear from everyone reading this at least one blessing they have been showered with this past week. Come on, let me hear from you!!!!

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