
If I told you that I had a sure-fire way to amp up your prayer life, would you be willing to try it? Well, I’ve got it, and I shared it with you in this post. I’m choosing a different Psalm each day, and reading it with the goal of finding things for which I can praise my Jesus.

Recently, in Psalm 16 I found MUCH for which I can praise Him. Today, out of that Psalm, I offer you 4 reasons to praise Him.

psalm 16.5and6





God gives me the perfect portion.

I like to eat, but often my ‘eyes are bigger than my tummy’. That was my Mom’s way of saying that I put more on my plate than I can eat. When the table is spread with so many yummy foods, it is easy to take out more than we can eat.

In life, it is easy to allow our eyes to drift toward someone else’s ‘plate’.

She has more followers than I do.

Her speaking calendar is full and mine is not.

They have a nicer house than we do.

She always has the latest mobile device.

When my eyes and heart drift toward the portions that God gives other people, I fall into discontentment with my portion. In this Psalm, David tells us that whatever circumstances God has allowed into our lives is exactly what we need at that moment.

My lot is secure.

The Hebrew word for ‘lot’ means pebbles used for systematically making decisions, portion (thing assigned by casting lots). I like to think of it in this way. If God is casting lots in order to assign me circumstances in life, He is always going to roll a “double” for me. Whatever He allows will be for my good and His glory.
God sets boundaries that are for my good.

Boundaries are good. Everyone needs them, and God is the master boundary setter. He knows the big picture of our lives, and knows where the boundary lines need to be drawn. Whatever boundary lines God sets for me will be “in pleasant places”. God doesn’t set restrictive boundary lines just to see me squirm or be miserable. He sets boundary lines because He knows what is best for me and because He wants to see me take full advantage of the ‘delightful inheritance’ that He has for me.

I have an inheritance.

My inheritance is not only in heaven. Sometimes I forget that. Part of my inheritance….a very important part of it….is right here, right now. Having the Holy Spirit living inside of me to lead, guide, counsel, and teach me is the BOMB. He makes me wiser than I could ever be without Him. But you can only have the Holy Spirit if you have made Jesus the Lord of your life.

So, there you go. Four reasons to praise God today. Now, go get your praise on, friend!

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