
Today I want us to think on the two concepts that I have written about this week: God being the Boss of our lives, our Adonai; and our ability and willingness to have complete confidence in Him.

If the first is true, really true, then the second should be true as well. If we are truly allowing Him to be the Boss, the King, the Ruler of our life, then He is worthy of our complete and total confidence. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always happen like that. All too often I allow Him to be Boss over one area, but not another. Or perhaps, I give Him the rule of my life, only to snatch it back when I don’t like the way things are going. Sound familiar?

So, I have two questions for you. Please feel free to answer anonymously.

1. What area(s) of your life is He absolutely, no question, positively the Boss of and the One in whom you have complete confidence?

2. What area(s) of your life do you need to turn over to Him completely and allow Him to be Adonai?

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