
It makes my heart glad to welcome friends to my blog. Today’s friend is one that I am particularly excited to introduce to you. While DeAnna Morris and I have never met in real life, I feel like we are already great friends. She is a beautiful encourager to me and I know she will be a blessing to you as she offers a bit of her heart here for today’s Sharing Life post. I just loved reading her post about her grandmother because I had a spunky grandmother who never ceased to bless me.

Sharing Life DeAnna Morris My Spunky Grandmother

DeAnna Morris has been married to Mike for 27 years and together they serve their community at Oak Pointe Church in Pelzer, SC where Mike is the pastor. DeAnna is a worship leader and seeks to encourage others to know, live and share God’s word. She enjoys great coffee while listening to the early morning birds from her patio and the sound of the waves on the shore.

DeAnna is the author of a recently released book entitled Simply Life: Live in Faith Every Day.

Visit with DeAnna at DeAnna Morris/Simply Life

My sweet Grandmother has mentored me in ways I have only just begun to realize now that I am older and she is declining in health. Notice the hummingbird pin she had just given me… she loves hummingbirds
and she loves me, too!

MawMaw_Me_11_2014Every one of us is on a journey, and we are either farther along the Faith Walk than someone else, or someone in our life is farther along than we are.

Just as Jesus went about His Father’s business in a non-hurried, lifestyle, come as you are approach, I believe mentoring should be the same.

I am very thankful for women in my life who have mentored me along the way. These women did so without frills, checklists, or a “how to” booklet. They simply have been leaders in my life by their own example of Faith Walking.

My grandmother was a woman who mentored in her own way. She let me “help” her in the kitchen when baking cakes and cookies, she let me set the Sunday Lunch table with her fine china and silverware. She spanked me if I needed it and wasn’t afraid to tell on me if I had misbehaved in any way. She made me clothes and afghans with her skilled fingers. I didn’t realize how much I took for granted when I was a small child and young woman with the gift of my grandmother.

She was spunky, feisty at times and sometimes ornery…(speaking the truth in love here…) But she loved as best she could from the resources of love she had within her. If I could go back in time, I would speak more words of appreciation to her for her love for me and others.

Flawed that she was (who isn’t?)… she did the best she could to be loving and kind and to serve otherMawMaw_Me_5_2015s.

This inspires me to invest in the lives of others around me. Women who are younger and just beginning to walk in faith, women who are young mothers frazzled with the endlessness of laundry and little people, women who are struggling with depression, hurt, anxiety and overwhelmed by life, I want to invest in women around me. I have been blessed by women who have quietly mentored me along the way and I pray to be a blessing to others.


Who inspires you? Do you know someone who has quietly mentored you along your journey?


We would love to hear who inspires you….who has mentored you. Share with us in the comments.

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