
As my small group is doing Beth Moore’s study Esther, each Thursday, I am giving you Beth’s “It’s tough being a woman……. statement and asking you to tell me if you agree with the statement and how God has shown Himself huge to you as you have experienced that situation. This is all about encouraging each other and bragging on God!!

Last week, once again, you left some great comments sharing how the Lord has worked in your life as you lived in a situation where ‘its tough being a woman in a world where beauty is a treatment’. If you are joining us for the first time, please go here and here to read the previous questions and comments.

A few requests about this:

  • First, please do not dishonor any other person in what you share. You may choose to use only initials if you speak of another person or use no name as all.
  • Second, you may comment anonymously.
  • Third, if you prefer not to leave a comment on the blog but want to participate, please feel free to use the contact form on my blog and email your response to me.
  • Fourth, I will be sharing these responses with my small group the week after we have studied the material related to that particular “it’s tough being a woman….so please make sure your response is specific to the issue being discussed.

Here is the statement for this week. Can’t wait to hear what’s on your mind related to this one….

“It’s tough being a woman…in a mean world.”

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