




{#261} – Ballgame – Last weekend, Bree went with Greg to her first Georgia football game.  She had been to a Tennessee game a year or so ago, but really, you haven’t lived until you have cheered on the Dogs in Sanford Stadium! I stayed at the camper and watch the sad, sad game on television. It was such a blessing to me to know that Bree enjoyed being at the game.


{#262} – Fall Blooms – Our flowerbeds have some beautiful blooms going on right now. Our mums are in full bloom and our purple beautyberry bushes are gorgeous. Beautiful, beautiful blessings.


Fall mums

Fall mums


Purple Beautyberry

Purple Beautyberry



{#263} – Sharing from the Pantry – On Tuesday when my friend Lisa arrived at Bible study she brought me a jar of her homemade peach butter. We had shared a conversation the week prior in which I told her that I had bought some peach butter this summer that was pretty tasteless. She brought me a jar of hers so I could taste what it should be like. I told her that I would like to share with her in return and opened my pantry door so she could pick out what she wanted from my canning supply. She chose a jar of blueberry jam. I hope her family enjoys it.


{#264} – Repairs – Last week my clothes dryer stopped drying. Eeekkkk!! On Tuesday this week, the repairman whom I use for appliance repairs brought the new part and fixed it. It is good as new. I don’t mind hanging most of my clothes to dry, but towels……NOT! They aren’t soft and fluffy when they are air-dried. What a blessing to have my dryer back in working order!


{#265} – Customer Service – Last week I washed Greg’s iPhone 5 in the washing machine. Ooops!!!! Although it still worked after it dried out, we went ahead and got a new phone for him. When the phone arrived, I called AT&T Customer Service to activate his new phone. I was on the phone for about 30 minutes with a delightful young man from Texas who was very helpful. While we were waiting for Greg’s apps to load, we chatted about his life. He has a wife and two daughters. He and his wife are separated currently. The Lord gave me an opening to speak Jesus into his heart. He shared with me that he knows the Lord and prays a lot about this situation with his wife. I promised to pray for he and his family. I was so blessed by the opportunity to share the love of Christ with him while we activated Greg’s new phone. I love that the Lord opens doors like that in everyday life.


{#266} – Successful surgery – My brother-in-law, Robert, had spinal surgery this week in Atlanta. The neurosurgeon removed bone spurs, cleaned out two discs and replaced them, and inserted a metal plate. Big surgery. Robert is doing well. Praise Jesus! What a blessing.


{#267| – Good test report – This week I had a routine colonoscopy. The tests showed no abnormalities. Thank you, Lord.


{#268} – Cold Weather Sleeping – I sleep so well in the winter when the temps are cold. I love sleeping under blankets. Brings back many memories of sleeping in the feather bed at my grandparents house under so many blankets you could hardly move. The wood stove kept the room warm and the homemade quilts and blankets wrapped you up in a ton of love. What precious memories.


{#269} – Confirmation – Last week, I received several confirmations from the Lord that I am on the right track with the message I am preparing for the ladies event in Sandersville, Georgia where I will be speaking November 14th. Thank you, Lord!  The Holy Spirit also gave me the idea for the devotion for our church’s Christmas Eve service. YES!! Blessings!!


{#270} – On Wednesday evening, Greg and I had the privilege of attending the Vesper Service at Young Harris College. Bree was one of the speaker. She spoke about her faith and why faith is important in the concept of community. She did a marvelous job and I was so proud of her. She is such a beautiful young woman who is growing daily in her faith.


{#271} – Mother – This week my Mother celebrated her 75th birthday. Her love and support through the years has been unwavering. She is an amazing woman. Her purpose in life has been to love and support her husband, to raise her daughters to be godly, caring women, and to love and guide her grandchildren to be strong men who love Jesus.

My sister and I were the recipients of beautifully tailored clothes from her hand for many years. She took care of our home, cooked our meals, and showed up at every ballgame, ballet recital, and band concert we had. She made sure her children and grandchildren could swim, ride a bicycle (yes, she ran along beside holding onto the seat until we could ride alone), play a musical instrument, and cook.

Mother’s ministry these days is to her grandsons, instilling character and Christian values in their hearts. She also has a card ministry, sending cards by the dozens each month to those who are sick or have experienced the death of a loved one. Very often, she will show up with a loaf of pumpkin bread or a congealed salad at a home where suffering and sickness is present.

I am so thankful for my Mother


The Daniels and Adams with Mom

The Daniels and Adams with Mom


What blessings are you counting today?

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