
I don’t know about you, but all too often I find myself trapped on the merry-go-round of life, seeing the world as a spinning blur. You, too?


An Invitation to Hop Off the Merry-Go-Round


Good morning!

Today I want to take a few moments and encourage us all to bring the merry-go-round to a halt for a moment and look around us. But first, let me tell you what brought me to this point.

I am currently reading a book entitled Roots & Sky: A Journey Home in Four Seasons by Christie Purifoy. In Roots & Sky, Purifoy chronicles the first year of the life of her family in a new-to-them home. There have been several passages from the book that have spoken intensely to my heart, and today I want to share one of them.

“We fool ourselves if we believe that life is the tedium of our to-do lists broken up by occasional highs, like a baby’s homecoming, and occasional lows, like that baby’s first terrifying trip to the emergency room. Everyday life is utterly extravagant. It is morning glories we did not plant. It is four children we did nothing to deserve. It is moonlight and starlight, rainbow-colored leaves and autumn rains. It is the shelter of trees, the songs of birds, and the enduring sight of a farmhouse on a hill. It is more beautiful than it needs to be. It is more meaningful than we can begin to comprehend.”

I will confess that quote hit me like a ton of bricks because I have a tendency to look at life as the tedium of my to-do list…everything running together, with occasional highs and lows. Rarely do I take the time to consider the everyday beauty of things that would not be considered a high, per se. The days I work as a pharmacist, I just pray to survive until quitting time. The days I am home doing my work as a bookkeeper and wife and author, I rarely slow down to consider the beauty within that day. Are you guilty of this, too? Please tell me I am not the only one?

Today is different. Today, right here with you, I want to consider the beauty that surrounds my life. AND, I want to encourage you to do the same. Here are a few of those beautiful, ordinary things:

  • the hummingbird that flies up to my office window and peers in at me
  • deer that wander and play in our front yard
  • the mountains that surround me and speak life into my soul
  • a husband that loves me unceasingly
  • a hosta, planted by my Mother, in the base of a tree that returns every year, reminding me of her love
  • a glorious sunset over the ocean
  • a hug from a friend at just the right time
  • the smell of freshly cut grass
  • the love of the most wonderful in-laws a girl could ask for
  • the privilege of entering God’s throne room any time I want and laying my requests before Him
  • baby birds in nests around my home

There is so much beauty in my life, and I want to be aware of it, every single day. I want to be thankful for it always.

Now, it is your turn. Hop off the merry-go-round for a moment and ponder the beauty of the ordinary in your life. I would love to hear what you see. Please share in the comments about your beautiful life.

Thank you for allowing me into your life today. I count it a high privilege when you read what the Lord gives me to write. I will be taking a bit of a break next week, but will have a post on Monday that you will not want to miss. It will contain a GIFT FOR YOU!! So, please check back on Monday. Have a lovely weekend!

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