
I really don’t think he has the first clue how difficult the next four weeks will be. All he is thinking about is how ‘pumped’ he is for the experience.

That is the beauty of youth, I suppose.

I’m trusting his advisors have prepared he and his team for what lies ahead in Tanzania.

However, it is impossible to predict the unseen and other-worldly battles and struggles that lie in front of him. That is where you and I come in. More about that in a moment.

On Monday, May 14th, our son, Charlie, and eight other young men from his college, leave for a four week mission trip to Tanzania. This is no pleasure trip. There are no women allowed on this trip. Only MANTEAM goes on this one.


Once they touch down in Tanzania they will have a two day road trip, followed by a 17 hour hike into the wilds of western Tanzania. They can only take what they can stuff into a backpack–this includes their sleeping bag, water filtration set, and other necessities to live in a third world country. They will have no way to communicate with family while they are there unless there was an emergency.

While in Tanzania they will give out God’s Word to the people living there. There are 34 unreached people groups in Tanzania. They will also finish work on a birthing clinic and a sanitary water system that was begun by other teams that have gone before them. These young men go with a mission of offering life to the people of Tanzania. Everlasting life through Jesus and a chance at life through safer and healthier pregnancy, childbirth, and drinking water. The work they will do is awesome.

UPDATE: I had a request for the first names of the young men going on the trip. They are: Seth, Charlie, Jon, Austin, Nate, Caleb, Isaiah, Josh, John.

This past weekend, Greg and I went over to Alabama to visit with Charlie while he was home for a few days before he leaves for Tanzania. It was good to see him. He is not a little boy any longer, nor is he a teenager. This week he turned 20. He is now a man, and he and his MANTEAM are taking on a man-sized, no, God-sized, mission. Greg and I are very proud of him and the man of God he is becoming.

Me, Greg, and Charlie


Greg and Charlie

Greg and I know that the Lord goes before Charlie and his team into Tanzania. We claim God’s promise that HE will be their rear guard. We ask Him to keep him healthy and safe. Because God entrusted Charlie to us, we now trust God’s heart with Charlie’s life.

It would bless us so much if you would covenant together with us in prayer for Charlie and his team over the next four weeks. They will return to the US on June 13th. That means there are 31 days that need covered in prayer. If you would be willing to choose ONE day that you would commit to praying for these young men, I would be so grateful.

If you are willing to commit to praying on a specific day for MANTEAM, please leave me a comment telling me:  

which day between May 14th and June 13th you are choosing,

your name,

 your email address

the state/country in which you live.

If you would like to be part of the prayer covering but can’t leave a comment, please email me at [email protected].

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being part of the prayer covering for MANTEAM.

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