
Welcome to Week 6 of

The Loft ~ A Wednesday Link-Up!

Come on up!!




You will find my Week 6 post and the linky tool near the bottom, but first, I want to welcome Chris Malkemes as a new hostess at The Loft. I met Chris through another link-up and she has been a delight to get to know. Her heart overflows with beautiful poetry and the love of Jesus which she writes about at her blog, Whispered Words of Wisdom. So now, you will be able to enter The Loft through three blogs. Please make Chris welcome!

Before we get started, may I remind you how The Loft Link-Up works?


The Loft is a place for conversation, community, networking, and Christian growth.

Each week we provide a topic to start the conversation. Then, Wednesday morning at 5am EST, the link goes live, and for 6 glorious days you can link up your post on that week’s topic. The linky will close at 5pm EST on Monday. Please make sure the post you link-up pertains to the chosen topic of the week.


To Participate:

1. Be creative. Feel free to use words, photos, video, audio, your family pet, whatever, to communicate on the weekly topic.

2. Listen twice as much. If you leave one link, visit two.

3. Be a community. Include #TheLoft graphic and/or hashtag in your post and social media so we can find each other.

4. Write like Jesus would write. We are a Christian link-up. Offensive or inappropriate posts will be deleted. No questions asked.

5. Be pertinent. Our heart is to build community and intimacy, and our means to do that is to build each link-up around a single topic. Please make sure your post is on topic.




When you link up at The Loft, your link will appear on three blogs! We’d love for you to visit The Loft co-hosts and know who we are:








Today’s Topic:

“Pot Luck”

Today is POT LUCK day at The Loft. I adore pot luck meals. They are a veritable smorgasbord of the best recipes from all the cooks who participate. Pot Luck means there will a surprise or three on the table. Some folks are predictable pot-luckers, while other bring something new and different every time. I love both kinds.

I don’t know what everyone else is offering up, but I’m going to offer something new for our Pot Luck get together. I spent some time putting together a list of some of my all-time favorite Bible studies, and I am making it available to you today as a printable. You can download it, print it, and give it to your Bible study leader for the next time she is searching for a Bible study for your small group to do. I hope you will find it super helpful. I have done each of the studies listed and know them to be solid, Scripture-based studies. So, go ahead…download and print.


10 Bible Studies



Next week’s Topic (July 15th): A Word Prompt ~ (we are tossing out a word. what comes to mind when you see that word? write a post centered around the word prompt. the word for today is LEGACY. give us your best post on the topic of LEGACY.)

I hope you will plan to join us each week at The Loft.

Now, it is time to link-up!!

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