Debbie Williamson

Debbie Williamson


As part of my Legacy series this week, I am so pleased that Debbie Williamson is sharing two legacy stories with us. I want to share a bit about Debbie with you:

I was born and raised in Southern California, got my bachelor’s degree from UCLA, and married a man who wanted to be a pastor. He got his master’s degree, and we moved to Illinois.

After nine years in Oak Park, IL, we moved to Yakima, WA. Four years later, we were back in Southern California where we’ve been for 15 years.

We’ve been married for 32 years and have 3 grown daughters and 2 sons-in-law. Our crazy, wonderful dog fills up our empty nest.

I’ve been teaching bible studies for 17 years. I also write, speak at retreats and women’s events, and mentor young women. I’m a middle school substitute teacher and the director of our church’s women’s ministry and small Sunday school.

You can visit my blog HERE




Daughters of the Star Breather

I became a mother in September of 1987 . . . then again in February of 1990 . . . and one more time in July of 1993. Our three daughters were all born at West Suburban Hospital in Oak Park, Illinois with varying degrees of effort and pain. But the joy when I held the new tiny creature, fresh from the womb . . . indescribable.

Varying degrees of effort and pain, with intense times of joy, also describe the years between then and now.

Recently, I uncovered a few past Mother’s Day gifts. All that effort and pain seemed to disappear as I held in my hand the sweet, hand-made treasures.

A crayoned colored paper plate with a poem glued to the middle that began with, “Each day you work so hard to be a super duper MOM for me.” Attached to the plate were six green construction paper “stems” with heart flowers glued to the top. Each one had a word or phrase that enthusiastically (lots of exclamation marks!) told of this child’s love for me.

And then there was the white cigar box, “A Mom’s Care Package”, it said, with the tag line, “A box of Joy just for you.” It was addressed, To: Debbie. (My first name, not Mom. Hilarious.) Inside were treasures and more exclamations of love.

I also have a small box filled with lovingly crafted and painted ceramic animals that I have moved from home to home, as well as a very creative and thoughtful Mother’s Day poem, framed in our bedroom.

These girls of ours are all young adults now and we’ve come a long way from paper plate flowers and blue glazed monsters. Two years ago, my Mother’s Day gifts were a beautiful watch, a small sander, and an envelope of 12 pieces of lined paper – Mother’s Day was on May 12th that year – sharing 12  reasons (out of many, she said) why she loves and appreciates me. Number 7 was, “I love being able to hear your voice from a mile away.” Just keeping it real, I guess.

So, to celebrate Mother’s Day this year, I want to honor these kind, talented, loving and godly daughters of mine by sharing a few thoughts with them . . . and the rest of you can listen in.

 I will always be your biggest fan.

I was when you were singing at Christmas pageants and talent shows. When you were in the pool or on a stage or selling burgers at In ‘N Out. I cheered and clapped and scrapbooked every event. As you’ve moved on to more grown-up endeavors, I still cheer and clap over every beautiful photograph, every new apartment with thrift store furnishings, every banner and label and piece of confetti, every graduation and wedding and new job. I’m even whispering, “Way to go,” with every mature decision you make in the midst of messy and painful circumstances and relationships.

Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and DO NOT lean on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5,6)

He has a plan for your life that is full of purpose and hope and shalom, peace. You can trust Him to lead you and guide you in the way you should go. You do not need to be afraid. You do not need to shrink back. God has promised in His word to never leave you or forsake you. Therefore, you trust Him to take you to the place He has prepared for you each day, each month, each year. You do not need to lean on your own understanding. You lean on Him.

In the world of trapeze artists, one is designated the catcher, the other, the flier. The catcher always does the catching. From his swinging trapeze, the catcher reaches out to catch the flier, the one who has let go of his trapeze and is flying through the air. The flier never catches the catcher; the catcher always catches the flier.

You are the flier; the Lord is the catcher. He will always catch you. So, trust Him. Always trust Him. With all your heart. Do not be afraid to leave your zone of safety, to let go of your madly swinging trapeze. He will never let you fall.

You are the daughters of the Star Breather.

Psalm 33:6 says, “By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of His mouth all their host.”

“By the breath of His mouth all their host.”

You are the daughters of the Star Breather. He breathed the stars into being, and by His breath you were made too. Fearfully and wonderfully, knitted together exactly as He planned you to be. He loves you with a love that never gives up, never runs out, never fails. You belong to Him and His banner over you is love. Always and forever.

And actually, the Star Breather is your biggest fan. He has been since before the beginning of time. He knew you then and He knows you now. And daily He claps wildly and enthusiastically for you and your life and what the future holds — grad school, wedding shoots, and babies.

So, to you who were birthed from me and have a piece of my heart, I celebrate you and love you and say, thank you for making me a mother. Who knew from those sweet baby days in Oak Park/River Forest, we’d all be where we are today, mother and daughters, and friends too.



Debbie’s post is so beautiful. I hope you will let Debbie know how much you enjoyed this.

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