
I’m eager to return to our Friday Getting to Know You posts. I love hearing about your lives and sharing tidbits of mine with you.

In case you are new around here, Getting to Know You is a post where I pose a question to you….an ice breaker type of question. I will give you my answer and then ask you to offer us your answer in the comments section. We have learned so much about each other via these questions.

Today’s question takes us back to our childhood once again.

Did you attend Vacation Bible School as a child? If you did, share one memory from your time in VBS.

Oh my, yes, I was in VBS every summer and LOVED IT! I remember the cookies and Kool-Aid being a huge delight because we rarely got sweet treats at our house. But the memory that stands out above all was the first thing in the morning assembly. Our pastor could make a train whistle sound that could not be distinguished from the real thing. Rev. B would blow the train whistle and call us together where we would begin every morning by pledging allegiance to the American flag and the Christian flag. The importance of those pledges have stayed with me all these years!! Unfortunately I have not heard the pledge to the Christian flag in years.

I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands; one brotherhood, uniting all mankind in service and in love.

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