

Hi there! Welcome to my Trusting in God’s Sovereignty series. Did you catch the first few posts? If not, go here >>>> Does Your Heart Trust God to Take Care of You? to read the first one.

I don’t think anyone would argue that 2020 has offered one challenge after another. Anyone? For many people, the challenges of 2020 have also thrown down stumbling blocks to their trust in God.

Let’s just be honest, shall we? All too often our trust in God is dependent on life going well, isn’t it? When life is easy, it is easy to trust in God, but when life becomes a roller coaster, or worse yet, a furnace into which we are thrown, our faith may shake. I’ve been there, and you, probably, have as well.



I recall in the hours after a cancerous tumor was discovered in my Daddy’s colon how my faith was tested. I share about it HERE on my website under the heading of 8 Reasons Why I Believe in Jesus. In those hours, God re-directed my focus from what I could do to help/control the situation to what He had planned for my Daddy.

Even in 2020, God is working in my heart and life to re-focus my vision and strengthen my trust in Him. I have never been shy about my belief in, and support of, godly Christian counseling. It saved my life when I was in the throes of anorexia.

Several months ago, in the face of major life changes, I recognized that it was time to do a bit of work on myself with the goal of understanding why I react the way I do to situations and people. I knew God was encouraging me to take this step, and He provided a wonderful, godly Christian counselor with whom I have been working. In only a handful of sessions, my counselor has helped me understand how God created me, and how best to live in my strengths and weaknesses. This re-focusing has increased my trust in God, and my ability to function better in human relationships.

There are so many stories in Scripture of God re-focusing the eyes and hearts of people in order to increase their trust in Him. None captures my attention more than the one in Isaiah 6:1-3.

King Uzziah had reigned in Judah for 52 years, accomplishing so much that moved the nation forward and secured their place as a strong nation. Then he died, and the nation was left wondering how in the world they would go on and who would lead them. It was a time of military and domestic uncertainty and the people were afraid.

In Isaiah 6 God gives Isaiah a vision that would re-focus Isaiah’s eyes and inform his entire ministry to the nation of Judah. Read it for yourself:

  1.  In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.

  2. Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.

  3. And one cried to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!”


What Isaiah saw was a vision of a greater KING than Uzziah. THE KING, THE LORD of all creation seated on His throne in the heavenly temple. God was seated. He was not pacing heaven’s floor trying to figure out how to run the world. The death of Uzziah had not caused God one millisecond of angst, and He wanted Isaiah to see and communicate to Judah (and to us) the trust of His Sovereignty and power.

May I ask you a question? Where are your eyes focused, friend? Your answer to that question determines your level of trust in God.

Are you focused on politics, COVID-19, other world events?

Is your focus on a marriage on the rocks, a wayward child, a job that has ended, a bank account swimming red ink?

I want to encourage you to re-focus your eyes on your heavenly Father. I’m not saying you can, or should, ignore the things going on in this world. Rather, I am encouraging you to see them all through the lens of God’s absolute power and authority…His Sovereignty. He is still on the Throne in Heaven.


If the turmoil of life has you all wound up in anxiety, perhaps you would benefit from a bit of mentoring and/or coaching. If you feel like you cannot discern the next step in your journey, you might benefit from mentoring and/or coaching. If money woes have you all stressed out and anxious, perhaps you would benefit from financial coaching.  I would love to share with you how mentoring and coaching can bring you peace and freedom. Simply contact me at [email protected]


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