
This post is doing double duty this week. I’m also linking up with Jennifer Lee for #TellHisStory. Insecurity is an area where we have great opportunity to tell what Jesus has done for us in the middle of that insecurity. So, scroll down to the middle of the post for my #TellHisStory post.


The Loft is open, come on up!




The Loft is the place for conversation, community, networking, and Christian growth. Each week we provide a topic to start the conversation.

Then, Monday night, at 9pm Eastern, the link goes live and all week you can link up your post on that week’s topic.

We’ll have fun topics, serious topics, practical, soul-ful, holiday, and so, so much more…we can’t wait to get started! This is not only a great way to connect with others, it’s also a fun and easy way to establish a writing habit. If you aren’t a blogger, you are welcome to join in by leaving your comments in the comment section.

Listening is a lost art. Especially in the blogosphere where everyone wants to be heard. At The Loft, we know that listening is rewarding and rich… surprisingly so. So we want to provide an opportunity for Christian bloggers to speak and listen, grow and be encouraged. We invite you up to the Loft, an out of the way upper room where we’ll talk, laugh, learn, and leave a little bit changed.

So grab your coffee mug and come on up! Hang out for a bit. We betcha you’ll be glad you did.


To Participate:


1. Be creative. Feel free to use words, photos, video, audio, your family pet, whatever, to communicate on the weekly topic.

2. Listen twice as much as you talk. If you leave one link, visit two. Trust us on this one~wink.

3. Be a community. Include #TheLoft graphic and hashtag in your post and social media so we can find each other. Also, share the great stuff you find when you visit around…we’ll be doing the same.




When you link up at The Loft, your link will appear on 5 blogs! We’d love for you to visit The Loft co-hosts and know who we are:




Now it’s time to link up!


This Week’s Topic: “Greatest Insecurity” 

My greatest insecurity?

Pass! Next topic, please. This one is way too tender, too transparent, too scary.

Then I remember that I am a hostess at The Loft. STINK! I can’t pass. God is not allowing it.

My greatest insecurity? Well, Jesus and I have spent some time wrestling this one out since the topic was announced. Although I would like to think I don’t have any insecurities, you would laugh hysterically at me if you knew me well. I’m loaded with ‘em. But ONE INSECURITY takes the helm and steers all the others.

My greatest insecurity? Being not-enough.

Not Good ENOUGH.

Not Thin ENOUGH.

Not Popular ENOUGH.

Not Smart ENOUGH.

Not Loved ENOUGH.

Not Important ENOUGH.

This drive to be ENOUGH began early. Five years of age early. It eventually morphed into full-blown anorexia around the age of 19 because I wasn’t thin ENOUGH.

I pushed myself to the point of exhaustion in college to have top grades, in order to show that I was smart ENOUGH.

In my teens and twenties, I gave myself to men because I wanted to be loved ENOUGH. I spent many Saturday nights in nightclubs, dancing and drinking with friends, so that I could be popular ENOUGH.

In the midst of trying to be ENOUGH, I had forgotten that only in Christ are we ENOUGH. The devil and the world continually told me that I was not enough; that I need to do more, be more, and have more.

Jesus says, ‘NO!’

Jesus tells me that because of His sacrifice on the cross and my acceptance of that sacrifice on my behalf, my sins are covered, and I am MORE THAN ENOUGH in the eyes of God.

I am deeply loved, completely accepted, and infinitely precious in the eyes of the One who created me. Tweet: I am deeply loved, completely accepted, and infinitely precious in the eyes of the One who created me. I am ENOUGH.

I have no need to chase after the ENOUGHS this world has to offer. I have no need to listen to the devil’s lies.

I am ENOUGH in Christ.

So are you, my friend. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, YOU ARE ENOUGH, because He is ENOUGH.

I have had enough of the not-enoughs. How about you?

Next Week’s Topic: “Something Funny” (Laughter is good medicine and after this week’s topic, we all need a belly laugh. Or as one co-host put it, we need to spit in our coffee. Tell us a funny story, share a funny quote, post a funny picture or video, crack a funny joke. Just be careful with that coffee because this is going to be good 🙂 )

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