

I have friends who are enduring trials. Friends nearby, and friends afar. No two struggles are the same. The details of some of the situations have not been shared with me, and that is okay. God knows them intimately.

My guess is that either you, or someone precious to you, is walking through a difficult patch of thorns right about now. Yes?

I’m a fixer, a do-er. I want to jump into the trials of others and alleviate their pain. The only problem is that God doesn’t want or need my help in most cases. On more than one occasion I’ve been guilty of uttering eight words, when five were all that was needed.

What eight words am I referring to?

“I wish there was something I could do.”


Well, friend, despite the fact that most of us have said them, those are not the best words to pour forth when someone is traveling a rough road. Perhaps God doesn’t want us to DO anything to change the situation. He’s God, and He probably has the whole thing under control. Slapping on my Mrs. God badge does not change the situation one iota. It only frustrates me, and probably causes God to just shake His head at me.

Instead, we can speak five words that have the power to move mountains. What five words are they?

“I am praying for you.”


Those words may not sound like anything special or profound, but when you really ponder them, they are earthshaking. God has the capability to enter a situation and change it. He promised to orchestrate good out of bad for all those who love Him and follow Him. He also promised that:

“The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” James 5:16 (NLT)


Prayer is powerful. It is the most powerful thing we can undertake on behalf of another person. If we are walking in step with God through Jesus Christ, and are seeking His will, our prayers are like dynamite. They produce results.

Does that mean everything is instantly going to be better for the person undergoing the trial? Maybe, but maybe not. While God doesn’t work according to our schedule and timing, we can be certain our prayers move the heart of God.

So, today I encourage you to take five minutes (more if you like) to tuck yourself away in a quiet place and offer a prayer on behalf of another person. FIVE minutes before the throne of God on behalf of another person could change that person’s situation in amazing ways.

Stop saying, “I wish there was something I could do”, and start doing the thing that moves heaven and earth. Say “I am praying for you” and JUST DO IT.


MEDITATION MOMENT: May I offer my own prayer for my friends?


Dear Father, I thank you that you have the power to make a difference in the situations my friends are walking through. I thank you that you know what is best for them, and are working all things out for their good.

Right now, Lord, I ask you to intervene and make a difference in their situations. Would you please bring healing, relief, wholeness, restitution, solutions, and peace into each precious life affected by trial and problems? Please send your Holy Spirit to comfort, guide, and teach according to what each person needs. I ask you to make your mighty and powerful presence felt by my friends. Help them know that you knew about their situation long before it transpired, and you already have the outcome worked out.

I pray against fear and discouragement in their hearts, Lord. Bind Satan so he cannot bring defeat into the situations. Father, when my friends emerge from this fiery furnace, I ask you to bring them out without a trace of smoke or singed garments. Strengthen their faith, Lord. I ask these requests in the name of the One who defeated sin, death, and hell; the Lord, Jesus Christ. Glorify your Son in these situations, Father, and we will give you the glory. Amen. 

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