
Earlier this year, as I was scribing 2 Timothy 4:2 into my Journible, the Holy Spirit reminded me of, and re-focused me on, my purpose in this season.

Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. (NLT)

Now, I do not profess to be a preacher. I do, however, believe that God has called me to teach the Word—helping others understand and apply the Holy Scriptures to their lives. God’s Word is LIFE to me. I would be in the ditch without it. It is what hauled me out of the ditch of blatant sin I had so willingly hurled myself into in my twenties. So, it makes sense that I share what helped me with others who might find themselves in a ditch of sin.

As I prayed about my Monday series for 2014, the Lord impressed upon me that I should focus on the Scriptures. My friend, Arabah Joy, offered a printable on her blog last year of her top 50 Scriptures for living complete in Christ. Her printable, combined with the urging of the Holy Spirit, led me to do something similar.


Beginning January 6th I will offer a new Monday series entitled, Heart Notes: Scriptures for a More Intimate Walk with Jesus. Each Monday throughout 2014, I will present a Scripture that I believe is foundational to developing a more intimate relationship with Christ. I will share with you why and how that Scripture speaks to me. My hope is that we, The Point community, will take these verses and commit them to memory. There will be 4 sets of Scriptures each month, which is a do-able amount of memorization work. Although I know many of these from memory, there are several I do not know. I am going to do the memorization work right along with you in 2014. By this time next year, we will have memorized 50 Scriptures, and I guarantee our relationship with Jesus will be turned up a notch or two.

The additional part of Heart Notes that I am equally excited and nervous about is that I am going to offer a graphic at the beginning of each month that you can download and print. Each printable will contain that month’s verses in what will hopefully be a beautiful piece that you can hang on your fridge or bathroom mirror to help you memorize the verses. This will be my first attempt at doing a printable, so I’m hoping I can make it work. I’m a bit of a techno-idiot, but I’ve gotten some great instructions from Stephanie at The MOM Initiative on printables.

So, check back in right here at The Point next Monday for your January printable and first verse of 2014.  NOTE: I’m going to start with an easy one, so don’t let the word ‘memorization’ frighten you off.

Friends, if you believe this series will be beneficial to others in their walk with Christ, I would be grateful if you would share it with your friends. Please feel free to forward the email if you receive my posts via email. If you get the posts on Facebook, please, by all means, hit SHARE! Tweet it! Instagram it! Pin it! Whatever you feel led to do will be a blessing. My hope is that the Word will change hearts in 2014.

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