

Hello friends! It’s Friday, and that means I am, once again, linking up with Kate Motaung for her Five Minute Friday (#FMFparty) writing prompt. On Fridays, I gather with a sweet group of ladies around a one word writing prompt that is tossed out by Kate at 10pm on Thursday evening. (Of course, I don’t see it until early morning on Friday.  I’m NOT a night person.) Once the word prompt is offered, we write like crazy for 5 minutes. No editing, no over-thinking, just writing. Then, we hit publish, and voila…..Five Minute Friday! So, here goes!

Today’s word prompt is ~~~ NEW!

Ready, set Go!

I love fall! It’s my favorite season. The cool, crisp temperatures, the beautiful leaves, football, fire pits, and fresh apple butter. It is all just delightful!

Fall, however, is a reminder that things wear out; things and people fade away and die. The entering of sin into the world means that our bodies wear out after just a few decades. The trees are subjected to winter’s reduction. After the fall of man, the earth felt the effects of sin, and it groans beneath the weight of it, longing once again for it’s Edenic nature. This earthly existence is slowly fading away. As much as we want to take care of the earth, and we should, the sad fact is that it is a dying earth, and we are dying people. Sin has taken it’s toll.

Ah, but there is good news. Exceptionally good news. It comes straight from the mouth of our Holy Father. Listen!

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything NEW!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:5 (NIV) (emphasis, mine)

For those of us who name the name of Jesus Christ, this fading, dying world is not the final chapter. God is doing a NEW thing, friends; a NEW earth with all the beauty of the Garden of Eden; a NEW heaven. A NEW body that doesn’t feel the effects of aging and sin and cancer and dementia and Ebola. A NEW mind that is focused on worshipping the Jesus, King of Kings, rather than struggling with Satan’s temptations. A NEW place where tears and pain and lying and deceit and sin do not exist. God has promised it, and I know He keeps His promises.

What in your life needs to be made NEW? Hold on, friend, your NEW is on the way!

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