
Welcome to The Loft! Today our word prompt is HOPE. Let’s get to it!

I did a search in my Bible Study tools for HOPE. The word is used 159 times in Scripture, 75 times in the New Testament, which means it is a word to which God seems to want us to pay attention. As I perused verses with the word HOPE in them, my eyes and heart landed on one particular usage that spoke deeply to me because every time I read it I am moved to examine my faith.

The book of Job presents a challenge to even the most mature Christian. We read of Job, a righteous man in his generation, who was seemingly tossed flippantly by God into Satan’s clutches. It almost seems (although we know it was not) to have been a schoolyard taunt that the devil threw at God. And God falls for it.

“Job just loves you because you give him so many blessings. I dare you to take away those blessings and see how much he loves you.”

God says, sure, devil, go ahead and take whatever you want from Job ~~ only do not kill him. Then, let’s see how big you talk.

Kinda makes one a bit unsettled about trusting in God, doesn’t it? I mean if God would allow Satan nearly free reign with a man like Job, what would He allow with someone like me ~~ a less-than-righteous woman?

So, let’s break down exactly what Satan was allowed to do:

  • All of Job’s servants, with the exception of a couple were killed
  • All of Job’s livestock (his livlihood) were killed
  • All of Job’s children were killed
  • Job was afflicted with painful sores from the top of his head to the soles of his feet

Job lost his status, his income, his family (except for his nagging wife), and his health. That pretty much means that Job was as low as a snake’s belly. He had little left other than his life and wife.

Have you ever felt like Job? Does it ever feel like you cannot recover from one trial before the next one strikes? Is there ever too much month left at the end of the money? Have you received that phone call informing you that you are now in the battle of your life with cancer? Has your spouse ever told you they do not love you any more and are leaving? Have you buried a child? Perhaps you can identify with Job? Could it be that you are ready to sit down in the ask heap with Job? Have you lost all hope of ever feeling joy again?

Let’s hear from Job and see if he has any advice for us.

Though he slay me, yet will I HOPE in him…. Job 13:15a

Say, whaaaat?

Surely, Job was delirious when he said that even if God chose to kill him, he would still hope in God. He would still trust God. He would still serve him. No matter what God allowed into Job’s life, Job’s faith was fixed firmly on Yahweh.

Here is the New Testament version of Job 13:15

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (ESV)

Notice this verse does not say that all things are good, but rather all things work together for good if we love God and are following Him. That is faith, friends. That is hope in the One who loves us more than we can imagine. That is knowing that God’s got reason and purpose for whatever He allows to happen to us, and that the outcome will be good if we will simply trust God’s heart toward us. That is Job-kind-of-faith.

Do you trust God THAT much? Do I trust God THAT much?

HOPE in God.


Now, let’s link up. The linky for your HOPE post is at the bottom of this post.




Welcome to The Loft!

We are a topic driven link-up, which means that we link posts that pertain to the topic of the week. Posts that are not on topic will be deleted. We will offer a month’s worth of topics each week so you can plan and prepare for a post that helps you enter into the conversation. Here are the topics for the next month:

January 20 ~ Hope

January 27 ~ Pot Luck ~ You may link up any post, on any topic today!

February 3 ~ Family

February 10 ~ Love

Just a reminder that the link-up goes live on Wednesday morning at 5am and will stay live until the following Monday at 5pm. If you link up at The Loft, please do not link-and-run. We want to create conversation and community, therefore, we ask that if you linkup one post, please visit two others. There are some beautiful people who link-up each week, and visiting their posts is the best way to get to know them.


Now, it it time to get to today’s link-up. Our topic is your Hope.

You will find the linky at the bottom of my post. Enjoy the fellowship at The Loft.

The Loft




The Loft

Now it is time to linkup!

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