

Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday is a writing prompt where we write for 5 minutes flat…unedited, unscripted…just whatever comes from our heart. So, ignore the typos and the grammer oopsies, please. It’s just part of the package on Friday. Today’s writing prompt is ‘reach’.


We reach for many things in this life.

As a baby, we reach for our mother, for the breast, for a toy, for most anything that we can put in our mouths.

As a young child, we reach for things to steady us as we learn to walk.

As a teen, all too often we reach for the wrong things, seeking people and popularity.

As a young adult, we reach for the skies, stretching our wings and learning to fly outside the safe nest of our parents.

As a 30-something, 40-something, and 50-something (that’s where I have to stop because I just turned 50 and have no experience past it), we reach for stability, security, satisfaction, and meaning.

Always, we are reaching for something.

There is one reach that most of us don’t do nearly enough…one reach that would enrich our lives and make our decisions have better outcomes. In Proverbs 2:6 we are told that God gives wisdom, and speaks out knowledge and understanding. It doesn’t say that God stuffs wisdom in our heads and hearts. It says that God GIVES it. I am pretty certain that means we need to REACH for wisdom; to REACH for what God is so willing to give.

We need to be intentional in this REACH for wisdom, and as we do, God will shower us with wisdom. We will be blessed far beyond anything we could imagine, as we begin to think like God, and make God-honoring decisions.

So, REACH for God’s wisdom. Hold out your hand to God, and ask Him to fill you up with His wisdom.


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