
October is Pastor Appreciation month here in America. Ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ have a tough job. Their families also are greatly impacted by a pastor’s chosen vocation. While I am exceedingly grateful for pastors who are willing to devote their lives to spreading the good news of the grace of Jesus Christ, this week I want to honor Pastor’s Wives.

Thom Ranier wrote several blog posts on pastor’s wives, and compiled some interesting thoughts about, and from, the wives of men who have chosen ministry as their profession. I encourage you to read the post here. It really is eye opening for those of us who are NOT the wife of a pastor.



I have had pastors tell me that a great way to bless them is to bless their wife. Today, in honor of Pastor Appreciation Month, I want to bless a few pastor’s wives with a copy of my newest Bible study, HeBrews: A Better Blend. But, I also want to make this a way for members of churches to bless their own pastor’s wife. So, here is how we roll with this:

  • You leave a comment, or send me an email to [email protected], telling me about your pastor’s wife: her name, which church she and her husband serve, what makes her special, and any other info you want to offer. Also, please be sure and leave a way for me to get in touch with YOU. YOU who left the comment is who I will contact should your pastor’s wife’s name be drawn. do not leave contact info for your pastor’s wife. I want YOU to present her with the book, rather than me mailing it to her. I want YOU to bless her.


  • You may only leave one comment, but it would surely be a blessing if you spread the word about the giveaway through social media so we can bless several pastor’s wives.



  • I will also provide a copy of HeBrews: A Better Blend to the peeps who nominated each of the pastor’s wives whose names are chosen.

So, there is your incentive to nominate your pastor’s wife to win. She gets a copy of HeBrews: A Better Blend, and so do you.


Thank you to all the pastors and pastor’s wives and families for your service to our Lord. You are appreciated. You are loved. You are important. You are valued. May God shower blessing upon blessing down on you.

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